A new type of “bull” on Wall Street
The financial markets are currently experiencing highly dramatic interest rate increases from the US central bank Fed, though without panic thus far, but in the background is a continuously developing global macroeconomic split.
Time to buy into Far East
The global economy is still suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic, but economies will open up and investors will soon search for new opportunities – despite the coming rate hikes in the US.
The bulls will hardly take over in Germany
The new German government has finally come into place and is now starting its work, this is unlikely to cause the financial markets to shudder right now, but some southern European countries are probably more tense.
Lack of momentum on Wall Street in 2022
There has been some fear for a major correction in the stock market throughout 2021, but the real risk could look different.
Equity investors hunt for return
Wall Street relaxedly received the news of the next monetary tightening in U.S., but equity investors could very well search for new opportunities, thus also taking new risks.
A mighty megatrend returns
The Covid-19 crisis caused a significant drop in income for many households around the world, but at some point, the journey towards the middle class will revert again - probably in even more countries than before.
The ECB is once again behind the curve
Several major economies are moving forward, though the inflation in particular, shows muscles which should generate more central bank rhetoric towards rate hikes.
China – When a giant must fall
Last week, nervous investors took an immediate sigh of relief when China Evergrande announced an agreement on one interest payment in the domestic Chinese loan market, but the company's problems will return.
The American economy mid-2022
An increasing number of economic indicators point to less growth than expected, including the US, and the outlook is becoming more uncertain.
A consumer message to Wall Street
An end to the lockdowns in Western countries was long-awaited by the consumers, and the financial markets have been waiting to see the increased spending turn into rising corporate profits – but consumers are now sending mixed signals…